Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Dusting off the cobwebs.

     Woo. Been a long time since I've updated this thing. My mind has been elsewhere. 
I've been browsing through sites, buying things for my "office", wondering what D&D version I should invest in (Found a lot of forums defending both 4E and 3.5. More on that later.), and thinking about NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month).

 NaNoWriMo: I've always wanted to do it, but never had any good ideas. Lovecraft fixed that. The novel which I will be attempting to write, I have dubbed "Memories of Frostbitten Souls" which is an Arthur Miller Esq (Or whatever) "Haunted house" type horror, taking place in an abandoned insane asylum turned lab. The protagonist, Fredrick, and some of his colleagues, enter said mad house, searching for his missing father; where they encounter painful memories and horrors from their own past, and the former patients/lab-rats.

D&D: While searching for forums about the versions, this one got me. Read through the first 10-15 posts, and the last 10-15 posts. The consensus is; If the game is "shitty", it's up to the players to make it better. The secret to RP games is the player, and their imagination. Don't like a rule? Get rid of it. Miss an old rule? Add it in or adapt it. If you want more roleplay in your game, put more roleplay in your game. No one is stopping you. Rules, of any RP system, are guidelines. It's the DM's job, and the job of the players, to make it fun. I'll end up collecting both anyway.

Not mentioned before, but Twisted Mind: IS going smoothishly rough. I am without photoshop. And without money. On that note's note, the new design for Drunk Duck is, so far, a travesty. What are they thinking? All that green? All those extra menus? Blegh.

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